Posts with the category “year-on-fire”

God’s Promised Blessing
by Fred Hartley on October 22nd, 2024
God wants you to know that he created you for a purpose— that he might bless you.  Read More
The Biggest Blessing of All
by Fred Hartley on October 21st, 2024
God wants to bless you with the biggest blessing of all— the blessing of his face shining upon you. There is no bigger blessing than encountering God's shining face— the manifesting presence of Christ.  Read More
You’ve Got To Want It
by Fred Hartley on October 20th, 2024
Every blessing of God is a promise of God. The healthier you are, the more you want every blessing God promises.  Read More
Blessed Are the Persecuted
by Fred Hartley on October 19th, 2024
The words, blessed are those who are persecuted, sound contradictory and confusing.   Read More
Blessed Peacemakers
by Fred Hartley on October 18th, 2024
Every blessing Jesus announced at the beginning of his public ministry is a promise of God.  Read More
Pure Hearted Blessings
by Fred Hartley on October 17th, 2024
The blessing of seeing God is one of the most significant blessings you will receive.  Read More
Blessed Are the Merciful
by Fred Hartley on October 16th, 2024
The blessed bless, and the cursed curse. The wounded wound, and the healed heal. The agitated agitate, and the merciful are shown mercy.  Read More
Blessed Hunger
by Fred Hartley on October 15th, 2024
Hunger for God is the first gift of God. Hunger for God leads you to receive every other blessing from God.  Read More
Blessed Are the Broken, Bold Ones
by Fred Hartley on October 14th, 2024
Meekness is not weakness; it is brokenness and boldness. Jesus began his earthly ministry by declaring eight sequential blessings, each of which unlocks a kingdom promise. This promise, shall inherit the earth, is a far reaching, significant promise.  Read More
The Blessing of Godly Contrition
by Fred Hartley on October 13th, 2024
Christ began his public ministry by declaring a sequence of eight blessings because blessing is why he came.  Read More
Blessed Humility
by Fred Hartley on October 12th, 2024
When the blessed Father sent his blessed Son, he began his public ministry by declaring a sequence of eight blessings. These eight blessings begin with humility: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Read More
God of Blessing
by Fred Hartley on October 11th, 2024
God is one big blessing waiting to happen. Everything God says is blessed. Everything God does is blessed. Everything God creates is blessed.  Read More
Blessed Children, Blessed Parents
by Fred Hartley on October 10th, 2024
Children are a blessing. Certainly, children are messy, unpredictable, often ungrateful, and demanding. There are times when parenting certainly does not seem like a blessing. Every parent has had bad days with stubborn children.  Read More
Blessed Mothers
by Fred Hartley on October 9th, 2024
Every Bible blessing is a promise of God. Since God created you to bless you, he wants to tell you a secret: The blessed bless and the cursed curse. The more blessing you receive the more blessing you have to give.  Read More
The Blessing of His Name
by Fred Hartley on October 8th, 2024
God is brimming over with blessing and his name is full of blessing.  Read More
The Blessing of God’s Manifest Presence
by Fred Hartley on October 7th, 2024
The power of blessing is in the tongue. The power to impart God’s manifest presence to people is also in the tongue.  Read More
Speak the Blessing
by Fred Hartley on October 6th, 2024
Every promise of God in the Bible is certainly a blessing; most of us know this. What you may not realize, however, is that every blessing of God in the Bible is a promise.  Read More
Blessed Living
by Fred Hartley on October 5th, 2024
It is no coincidence that the entire book of Psalms starts with, Blessed is the man. God is, after all, a God of blessing, who created you to bless you, and sent his Son to make every blessing accessible to you.  Read More
Blessed in Giving
by Fred Hartley on October 4th, 2024
The blessings of God are often counterintuitive. Our souls are born twisted, selfish, flawed and broken. Christ came to redeem us, turn us inside out, and transform our motivations.  Read More
Every Blessing
by Fred Hartley on October 3rd, 2024
Every Bible blessing is a Bible promise. Every time God announces a blessing, it is not only worth paying close attention, it is worth grabbing and making it your own.  Read More
I Can
by Fred Hartley on October 2nd, 2024
I can do all things through him who strengthens me, is one of the most misunderstood of all Bible promises.  Read More
The Secret of Contentment
by Fred Hartley on October 1st, 2024
Contentment is a mark of spiritual maturity. Contentment is not the result of the accumulation of things, but an appreciation of what you have and of the One who provides them.  Read More
The Priceless Gift of Contentment
by Fred Hartley on September 30th, 2024
Contentment is worth more than a million dollars. We could say contentment is priceless; for everything else there is Master Card.  Read More
All Sufficiency
by Fred Hartley on September 29th, 2024
Every believer knows that God will care for certain needs, or even most needs. But did you realize that God promises all sufficiency in all things at all times?  Read More
Size of Your Sacrifice
by Fred Hartley on September 28th, 2024
God is not impressed with the size of your offering; he is impressed with the size of your sacrifice.   Read More
Jesus Watches the Offering Basket
by Fred Hartley on September 27th, 2024
Jesus carefully watches how much money you give away because your offerings reveal your heart. Your checkbook is a theological document; it tells more about what you truly believe than any statement of faith.  Read More
Cheerful Giving
by Fred Hartley on September 26th, 2024
Cheerful giving is humanly impossible. Hoarding, stinginess, and miserliness come naturally; giving, generosity, extravagance, and giving cheerfully are a miracle.  Read More
Sowing and Reaping
by Fred Hartley on September 25th, 2024
It is impossible to receive from God generously and yet give to others miserly. It is impossible.  Read More
Gathering and Giving
by Fred Hartley on September 24th, 2024
Some people are skilled at saving money. Some people are skilled at giving money. God wants to train you to do both with excellence.  Read More
The Grace of Generosity
by Fred Hartley on September 23rd, 2024
A lifestyle of generosity does not come by self-effort; it comes by the grace of Christ. When the apostle Paul exhorted the church in Corinth to join the generosity of the Christians in Macedonia, he picked a fitting example.  Read More
Sunday Offerings
by Fred Hartley on September 22nd, 2024
Giving to God ten percent of your income each week is either a delight or a dread. What determines the difference is whether or not you believe the promise of God.  Read More
Something You Will Never See
by Fred Hartley on September 21st, 2024
No matter how long you live, or how many challenges you face, here is something you will never see: The righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.  Read More
God Your Provider
by Fred Hartley on September 20th, 2024
The act of giving your money away does not come naturally. Tithing defies logic. Giving offerings is entirely counterintuitive. Most people who practice faithful stewardship can point to one moment in their lives when they encountered the reality— The Lord will provide.  Read More
Let Your Money Mature
by Fred Hartley on September 19th, 2024
There is something better than watching your stock portfolio mature— it is watching God use money to mature you.  Read More
Test The Promise
by Fred Hartley on September 18th, 2024
Some promises of God are so strong, you are invited to put them to the test. The standard operating procedure with God is, “do not test the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 6:16.) When it comes to money, however, and giving your tithes and offerings, God makes an exception.  Read More
Your Provider, Your God
by Fred Hartley on September 17th, 2024
Financial faith and financial fear will continue to battle each other in your mind and emotions until you answer this question: Who is my provider?  Read More
Consider The Lilies
by Fred Hartley on September 16th, 2024
Superficial people stress out over their image and overlook who they are inside. An essential part of following Christ is choosing to put superficial ways behind.  Read More
Look At The Birds
by Fred Hartley on September 15th, 2024
Fear about finances is one of our most common battle-lines, and the promises of God are our weapon.  Read More
Freedom From Financial Fear
by Fred Hartley on September 14th, 2024
Praise the Lord, God promises you financial provision for your daily necessities. He does not promise you riches, but he certainly promises you enough.  Read More
God’s Riches
by Fred Hartley on September 13th, 2024
Some of the strongest Bible promises are promises of God’s financial provision— and for good reason! Money is often the source of fear in us, and yet God intends money to be a source of faith.  Read More



2024 Breakthrough FastPromesas de PoderPower Promises2024 Ayuno de Avance EspiritualParticipantes de la PromesaPromise PartakersPromesas de Escapar de la CorrupciónPromises to Escape CorruptionUna Promesa Es Mejor Que Una ResoluciónA Promise— Better Than a Resolution¡Sí …PromesasYes Promises¡PREPARESE PARA 21 DIAS DE AVANCE ESPIRITUALGet ready for 21 days of breakthrough¡Amén …PromesasAmen PromisesOrar Por El AvancePray Through for BreakthroughPromesa del PadrePromise of the FatherNO ESPERESDon’t WaitThe Name JESUSEl Nombre JESUSFUEGO QUE CONSUMEConsuming FirePor Encima de Todos los NombresAbove All Names"YO LO HARÉ"“I will”Poder en la SangrePower in the BloodARREPIÉNTANSE, CREAN Y PROCLAMENRepent, Believe, and ProclaimFiel y VerdaderoFaithful and TrueEL PODER DEL TESTIMONIOThe Power of TestimonyThe Unknown NameEl Nombre DesconocidoEL AVIVAMIENTO COMIENZA CON EL REGOCIJORevival Starts With RejoicingAngel ArmiesEjércitos de ÁngelesEL MOMENTO DEL PADREThe Father’s TimingRey de Reyes, Señor de SeñoresKing of Kings— Lord of LordsSUPLICANDO LAS PROMESASPlead the PromisesEspíritu Santo, VenHoly Spirit, ComeArrepiéntase y RecibaREUNIDOS EN UNIDADGathered TogetherRepent and ReceiveAVIVAMIENTO PERSONALPersonal RevivalPromesa para los HijosPromise for ChildrenAVIVAMIENTO FAMILIARÉl Sopló Sobre EllosFamily RevivalHe Breathed on ThemAVIVAMIENTO EN NUESTRA CIUDADCity RevivalRecibirReceiveLA PRESENCIA REVITALIZANTE DE CRISTO EN NUESTROS HOGARESÉl Puede Ser EncontradoChrist’s Reviving Presence in Our HomesHe May Be FoundThe Word of God Revives the SoulLA PALABRA DE DIOS AVIVA EL ALMAAcercaosDraw NearExperiencing Revival at the Feet of JesusEXPERIMENTANDO UN AVIVAMIENTO A LOS PIES DE JESUSUna CosaOne ThingRevival Brings RepentanceLa Tierra Es Del SeñorThe Earth is the Lord’sEL AVIVAMIENTO TRAE ARREPENTIMIENTORevival Brings ObedienceListo Para EscalarEL AVIVAMIENTO TRAE OBEDIENCIAReady to ClimbRevival Brings UnityManos Limpias, Corazón PuroEL AVIVAMIENTO TRAE UNIDADClean Hands, Pure HeartDraw a CircleRecibir BendiciónHAGA UN CIRCULOReceive BlessingLife-Giving PresenceFace-SeekingPRESENCIA VIVIFICANTEBuscando Rostro

