Posts with the category “year-on-fire”

by Fred Hartley on July 27th, 2024
Revival-prayer flows from a healthy heart— a heart that longs to encounter the manifest presence of Christ.  Read More
Prisoners of Hope
by Fred Hartley on July 26th, 2024
Hope is a righteous stronghold; hopelessness is an unrighteous stronghold.  Read More
Conquering Hopelessness
by Fred Hartley on July 25th, 2024
The God of hope wants to deliver you from hopelessness today.  Read More
Ongoing Infilling— Ongoing Revival
by Fred Hartley on July 24th, 2024
When God told you to be filled with the Holy Spirit, he gave you both a command and a promise.  Read More
Promised Revival
by Fred Hartley on July 23rd, 2024
The reason the church is not in a perpetual state of revival is because we are content to live without it.   Read More
Promised God-Son
by Fred Hartley on July 22nd, 2024
Every name of God is a promise. When Jesus said, before Abraham was, I AM, he categorically put himself in a league all by himself. He was not simply identifying himself as one among many religious leaders  Read More
Promised Vitality
by Fred Hartley on July 21st, 2024
Everyone faces stress, weariness, depletion. When Jesus says, I am the true vine, he offers himself as the open-access, never-ending, internal-battery-recharging presence to continually replenish your life. The only requirement is intimacy with Him.  Read More
Promised Life
by Fred Hartley on July 20th, 2024
When Jesus said, I am the life, he not only gives us an accurate revelation of himself, he gives an accurate revelation of what is really going on inside you. Jesus is life and he is life-giving.  Read More
Promised Truth
by Fred Hartley on July 19th, 2024
We live in a world of ambiguity— a culture that accepts expedient lies, situational ethics, blatant deception, when the ends seem to justify the means.  Read More
Promised Waymaker
by Fred Hartley on July 18th, 2024
When Jesus said, I am the way, he made you a promise. His name is not only a promise, it is activating— Jesus wants to be your waymaker.  Read More
Promised Resurrection
by Fred Hartley on July 17th, 2024
When Jesus said, I am the resurrection, he promised that he, and he alone, can bring life back to dead things. And he does.  Read More
Promised Pastor-Care
by Fred Hartley on July 16th, 2024
Don’t underestimate the value of non-stop access to the best pastor you could imagine.  Read More
Promised Gatekeeper
by Fred Hartley on July 15th, 2024
When Christ identifies himself by name, he intends to not only identify himself, but to activate faith and obedience in you. Every name of God is a promise, and the seven I AM statements are strategic.  Read More
Promised Revelation
by Fred Hartley on July 14th, 2024
The seven I AM statements of Jesus are seven promises. God intends you to use these seven strategic statements to activate a faith-response in you, that activates an impartation-response in God.  Read More
Promised Soul Food
by Fred Hartley on July 13th, 2024
Every name of God is a promise of God because every name of God is rooted in his unchangeable character.  Read More
Eternal Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 12th, 2024
The words forever and ever are never used casually. Not everything is eternal; in fact, in reality, very few things are eternal.  Read More
Christ-Exalting Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 11th, 2024
The single, most obvious characteristic of the kingdom of God is the exaltation of the supremacy of Christ. The more Christ’s kingdom is advanced, the more conspicuously Christ is exalted.  Read More
On-Earth Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 10th, 2024
If your view of the kingdom of God is ethereal, other-worldly, immaterial, or vague, you are in a pleasant surprise.  Read More
All Nations Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 9th, 2024
History is full of kings, monarchs, and presidents, each with their own distinct flair and unique form of leadership. Some kingdoms have been good and some evil. There is one kingdom, however, that will universally fit perfectly— the kingdom of Christ.  Read More
Front Porch Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 8th, 2024
Walt Disney brought the Magic Kingdom, but Jesus Christ brings the authentic kingdom. There is nothing fantasy or fictitious about the kingdom of God.  Read More
Climatic Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 7th, 2024
All of the millions of missionaries, billions of missional dollars, countless years of missional service in proclaiming the good news of Christ’s coming kingdom is all preliminary to the great final event when Christ’s kingdom is fully realized. Hallelujah!  Read More
Good News Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 6th, 2024
The word Gospel means good news. The coming kingdom of Christ is the greatest news of all!  Read More
Kingdom Greatness
by Fred Hartley on July 5th, 2024
One of the most revolutionary impacts the kingdom of Christ will have on you is when it turns your value system completely upside down. When you begin to despise things you used to treasure, and treasure things you used to despise, you can be sure the kingdom of God has come.  Read More
Righteousness Exalts A Nation
by Fred Hartley on July 4th, 2024
Today we celebrate the birthday of the United States of America. While we give thanks to Christ for his blessing on our nation, we want to remember the kingdom.  Read More
To You
by Fred Hartley on July 3rd, 2024
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of America tomorrow, it is important to remember God’s Law Revival.  Read More
The Son’s Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on July 2nd, 2024
When you were born again, you were delivered from one kingdom and brought into another. From darkness to light. From bondage to freedom. From rejection to belonging. From fear to love.  Read More
A Level Playing Field
by Fred Hartley on July 1st, 2024
The kingdom of God levels the playing field. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. Paupers become princes. Orphans and widows are set in families. We will all dine with kings and queens because we will all be kings and queens.  Read More
Hidden Treasure
by Fred Hartley on June 30th, 2024
The kingdom of God is full of surprises. You never know when you will stumble on your next kingdom treasure— sometimes it is right underneath your feet.  Read More
Small and Mighty Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 29th, 2024
The kingdom of God is certainly small in appearance, yet mighty in impact. The mustard seed is small yet mighty. It is the smallest seed in the garden, yet it grows to be a large bush.  Read More
Rival Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 28th, 2024
Wherever the kingdom of Christ advances, it enters a rival kingdom that will feel threatened.  Read More
Slow Rising Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 27th, 2024
The kingdom of God certainly advances forcefully, but at times it advances invisibility, or at least imperceptibly.  Read More
Violent Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 26th, 2024
If you think the kingdom of God is wimpy, you are in for a big surprise. The kingdom of God is so revolutionary that Jesus called it violent, or forceful. Not only does the kingdom advance forceful, when the kingdom comes on an individual it makes that person forceful as well.  Read More
Gathering Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 25th, 2024
The kingdom of God travels along relational lines. The devil scatters; Jesus gathers.  Read More
Supernatural Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 24th, 2024
When Jesus brought the kingdom of God to earth, he first demonstrated the kingdom, then he explained the kingdom.  Read More
Revelatory Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 23rd, 2024
Every kingdom principle God reveals to you is worth more than a million dollars. You need help to understand even the first thing about the kingdom of God. In fact, you can read all the books, and study the kingdom for years, but without Holy Spirit revelation, you are wasting your time.  Read More
Deliverance Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 22nd, 2024
Casting out demons was a normal part of Jesus’ everyday ministry when he was here on earth, and casting out demons continues to be an everyday experience wherever Christ’s kingdom is advancing.  Read More
Salvation Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 21st, 2024
When the kingdom of God comes, people are born again. As you receive the kingdom of Christ in your life, people in your family will be born again. As you pray the kingdom of Christ on your church, you will see radical conversions. As you advance the kingdom of Christ in your neighborhood and workplace, many people will be born again.  Read More
Joyful Kingdom
by Fred Hartley on June 20th, 2024
If your life has been sour, or even bitter, God wants you to recognize that his kingdom is joyful.  Read More
Kingdom of Greatest Value
by Fred Hartley on June 19th, 2024
The kingdom of God is either worth everything to you, or it is worth nothing. Until you come to recognize the kingdom of God as the greatest of all treasures, you will never take hold of it.  Read More
Kingdom Lifestyle
by Fred Hartley on June 18th, 2024
When the kingdom of Christ gains traction in your life, your desires, motivations, orientation, disposition, and lifestyle will radically change.  Read More



Promesas de PoderPower Promises2024 Breakthrough Fast2024 Ayuno de Avance EspiritualParticipantes de la PromesaPromise PartakersPromesas de Escapar de la CorrupciónPromises to Escape CorruptionUna Promesa Es Mejor Que Una ResoluciónA Promise— Better Than a Resolution¡Sí …PromesasYes Promises¡Amén …Promesas¡PREPARESE PARA 21 DIAS DE AVANCE ESPIRITUALAmen PromisesGet ready for 21 days of breakthroughPromesa del PadreOrar Por El AvancePromise of the FatherPray Through for BreakthroughEl Nombre JESUSNO ESPERESDon’t WaitThe Name JESUSPor Encima de Todos los NombresConsuming FireFUEGO QUE CONSUMEAbove All NamesPoder en la Sangre"YO LO HARÉ"“I will”Power in the BloodFiel y VerdaderoARREPIÉNTANSE, CREAN Y PROCLAMENRepent, Believe, and ProclaimFaithful and TrueEl Nombre DesconocidoEL PODER DEL TESTIMONIOThe Power of TestimonyThe Unknown NameEjércitos de ÁngelesEL AVIVAMIENTO COMIENZA CON EL REGOCIJORevival Starts With RejoicingAngel ArmiesRey de Reyes, Señor de SeñoresEL MOMENTO DEL PADREThe Father’s TimingKing of Kings— Lord of LordsEspíritu Santo, VenSUPLICANDO LAS PROMESASPlead the PromisesHoly Spirit, ComeArrepiéntase y RecibaREUNIDOS EN UNIDADGathered TogetherRepent and ReceiveAVIVAMIENTO PERSONALPromesa para los HijosPersonal RevivalPromise for ChildrenÉl Sopló Sobre EllosFamily RevivalAVIVAMIENTO FAMILIARHe Breathed on ThemRecibirCity RevivalAVIVAMIENTO EN NUESTRA CIUDADReceiveÉl Puede Ser EncontradoChrist’s Reviving Presence in Our HomesLA PRESENCIA REVITALIZANTE DE CRISTO EN NUESTROS HOGARESHe May Be FoundAcercaosThe Word of God Revives the SoulLA PALABRA DE DIOS AVIVA EL ALMADraw NearUna CosaExperiencing Revival at the Feet of JesusEXPERIMENTANDO UN AVIVAMIENTO A LOS PIES DE JESUSOne ThingLa Tierra Es Del SeñorRevival Brings RepentanceEL AVIVAMIENTO TRAE ARREPENTIMIENTOThe Earth is the Lord’sListo Para EscalarRevival Brings ObedienceEL AVIVAMIENTO TRAE OBEDIENCIAReady to ClimbManos Limpias, Corazón PuroRevival Brings UnityEL AVIVAMIENTO TRAE UNIDADClean Hands, Pure HeartRecibir BendiciónDraw a CircleHAGA UN CIRCULOReceive BlessingBuscando RostroLife-Giving PresencePRESENCIA VIVIFICANTEFace-Seeking

