Love Church

Love Church

"He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
John 14:21

Church does not work without the manifest presence of Christ.

On the surface, church is what we do. It is the gathering together of Christ’s followers where we love God, love each other, and love our neighbors for Jesus’ sake. Churches come in various shapes and sizes, but regardless of what it looks like, our gathering is our effort to connect with God and with His people.

Fire, on the other hand, is what God does. It is the initiative of the invisible God to demonstrate His supernatural presence in tangible and unmistakable ways. Answers to prayer, physical healings, saved marriages, deliverance from evil strongholds, dramatic conversions and changed lives are all examples of fire. Fire is what happens when God comes to church. Point blank, fire is the manifest presence of Christ.

Church on fire is what happens when what we do and what God does slam together. It is church the way God intended—where we become even more conscious of His presence among us than we are conscious of those with whom we gather.

Fire is what sets apart the church from the sports bar or the fitness center down the street. Any organization on earth can show what people can do; only the church can show what Christ can do. Church on fire is ultimately why we love church.

Father God, set my church on fire with the raging inferno of Your manifest presence.

© Fred A. Hartley, III  All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, the English Standard Bible (ESV) is used.

This daily Christ-encountering, fire-starter is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and prayer time, but rather to motivate you to spend extended time in His presence.
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