Gujaret India on Fire

Gujaret India on Fire

"Repent, therefore, and turn back that your sins may be blotted out." Acts 3:19

On this day, June 30, in the year of our Lord 1905, the Spirit of God spread like wildfire across India to Puny, Bombay, Yoetmal, Manmad, Hyderabad, and other cities in Gujaret. This was prompted by a well known social reformer, Pandita Bamabai, who had been wonderfully converted years earlier. She grew rapidly in Christ and was invited to speak at a Keswick convention, where she pleaded with a crowd of 4,000 people to pray for the evangelization and revival in India. She spent most of her life serving at a girl’s school where revival broke out June 29, 1905. The next day, June 30, the revival spread out of her girl’s school all across India.

When God wants to bring revival to a nation, He first starts with one person and puts on their heart a burden for the revival to come. Normally, the revival comes first where that person is serving and spreads out over the world.

Perhaps you can be that person on whom God wants to begin a mighty revival. Let Him grip your heart with prayer for that revival first.

Father God, I am a candidate for revival. Break my heart with a revival that will start in me, spread to those in my church, in my city, and then across the nation, for Jesus Christ’s sake.

© Fred A. Hartley, III  
All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, the English Standard Bible (ESV) is used.

This daily Christ-encountering, fire-starter is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and prayer time, but rather to motivate you to spend extended time in His presence.

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