Day 1: Kingdom Ready

Day 1: Kingdom Ready
Fred Hartley, III

"He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God." Acts 1:3
Think of it—prior to his ascension, Jesus had a little less than 6 weeks to put the finishing touches on his disciple-making, and on what does he focus? Kingdom readiness. Jesus wants all his disciples to be kingdom ready.
Kingdom readiness is the heart of the Gospel of Christ.
During these 21 days of Breakthrough, Christ wants to equip you to be kingdom-ready, just as he equipped his original disciples to be kingdom-ready.
A few practical suggestions.
  • SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM. On every 21 day fast it is good to narrow your focus and seek Christ for one ultimate thing. While you will have many prayers, we encourage you to take these three weeks to learn more about the kingdom by encountering more of the King. Every kingdom-ready person is a kingdom-first person.
  • LEARN TO IDENTIFY THE KINGDOM. You will certainly spend extended time in prayer during these three weeks, but we encourage you to also read extensively in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, focusing on the kingdom. There are at least 10 specific marks of the kingdom mentioned in scripture. See if you can identify them all-- or even more.
  • PERSONALIZE THE KINGDOM. You want to encounter of the kingdom yourself during these days. Make sure you receive the kingdom into the deepest wounds and needs of your own life. Learn to pray the kingdom into your closest family members and friends.

I truly believe that this 2023 Breakthrough Fast will be the most impactful BREAKTHROUGH FAST we have ever had in the College of Prayer.
Let's pray for each other. Let's receive the kingdom. Let's learn to recognize the kingdom. Let's give ourselves to advancing the kingdom.

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