2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 9

He Who Promised Is Faithful

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” 
Hebrews 10:23
The late Dr. Everett R. Storms of Ontario spent his life searching, reading, counting and recording the promises of God in Scripture. To be exact, he read through the Bible 26 times, then during his 27th reading, he took a year and a half and as he read, he counted all the promises. He came up with 7,487 promises made by Almighty God to us as humans. He discovered that the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel each contain more than one thousand promises. A favorite passage of Dr. Storms is Psalm 37, where he says, "Practically every verse is a most wonderful promise".

According to Dr. Storms’ calculations, if we were to take one promise each day it will take us over 20 years to use each of the promises once. Caleb, as we read in the book of Numbers, was sent out from the tribe of Judah as a spy to inspect the promise land for the Israelites. For 40 years he lived on a promise of God. He was promised a land of inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. This word from God kept him going for 40 years. If one promise kept Caleb going for 40 years, how much motivation can we receive from God by having over 7,000 to claim for our own?

Loving Father, today I repent for not praying Your promises. I commit to a renewed purpose in praying your promises. Teach me to pray Your promises. Help me to study and know Your promises. I want to pray and claim them for myself, my family, my church and the nations. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Fred Hartley, IV

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