2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 8

Thy Will Be Done

“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10
We have all come to love praying in the 7 rooms of the Lord’s house of prayer. Every room is full of life. Every room is significant and special. It is how Jesus taught His disciples to pray. It is how He continues to teach us to pray today. We can literally claim a promise in every room.

In the third room, we come to the phrase, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Essentially, what we are doing as we lean in and pray this phrase is to claim the promises of God. God’s will is directly connected to His word and His ways. If we are seeking the will of God in a situation, we don’t need to look any further than His word. There is a promise in the word of God for every situation we will ever experience.

Recently, my wife and I had a crisis in our parenting. It involved the health and well-being of one of our children and many decisions that had to be made. We sought the Lord and prayed together. The promises of God made all the difference. Not only did we pray for healing, but we prayed the promises of God’s perfect plan, of God’s desire to work in our child’s heart and God’s promise of His love for each of us no matter what.

Take time right now, find a promise that fits your need. In the midst of the situation you are facing today, declare His will be done in your own words or use the following prayer:

Loving Father, I declare your will be done in my situation____________. Remind me now of your promises. (Take a moment to listen to God’s voice as He reminds you of His promises.) I claim these promises today as it relates to this situation. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Fred Hartley, IV

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