2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 6

Don’t Stop Asking

“Ask and it will be given to you.”
Luke 11:9
I remember reading somewhere about William Booth, who said, “Pray as if everything depended on your prayer.” Well Booth was correct; everything does depend upon our prayers. Jesus did nothing apart from praying and everything He did flowed from His prayers.
In the Luke 11 passage, Jesus gives an interesting parable about a man banging persistently at his neighbor’s door in the middle of the night, asking for an inordinate amount of bread. The context of the parable is in response to the disciples request of Jesus, “Lord teach us to pray.”
In essence Jesus is saying that it doesn’t matter if the hour is late, the request is large and the initial answer is no. True prayer means desperation outweighs protocol.

Jesus implied to His disciples that they were to keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking; then they will receive.

Most of us pray about a matter for a certain amount of time. If we don’t hear from God quickly we give up, assuming it wasn’t His will to answer. Where did we get that from? Nowhere in the Bible are we told that silence means “no.”  In fact, Jesus demonstrates to the Canaanite woman that His silence means “keep on asking” (Matthew 15:22-28). Scripture never gives us permission to drop a request because we got no immediate answer. Silence does not mean “no.”

Perhaps in the context of our fasting theme, Praying the Promises, silence means wait, trust, and pray the promises. Like a farmer who waits for his harvest, we are to wait for His answers. Jesus is clear ... keep on asking!

Be filled today,
Don Young

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